As of 23.12.2023 we have a new address: MTM Transport a.s., Vratimovská 624/11, 718 00, Ostrava-Kunčičky

Experts in transport to Northern Europe and elsewhere

Lorry transport with a special focus on Scandinavia and the Baltics. We transport your shipments quickly and safely to their place of destination.

odborníci na dopravu nejen do zemí Severní Evropy

Nabízíme kompletní servis v oblasti dopravy a spedice na profesionální úrovni za přijatelné ceny při přepravě vašeho zboží do severní a východní Evropy.


Your shipment will be transported by experienced drivers, despatchers, and loaders. Shipments are monitored by a GPS system.


Quick and effective international road haulage, with lorries leaving for Northern and Eastern Europe every day.


We’ll tailor your transport plan to meet your requirements and needs. You can choose between quick transport or an economical solution.


International road haulage is provided with our own vehicle fleet, in cooperation with our outside partners and centres in Ostrava and Prague.
15+ years’
worth of experience
About us

15 years on the road

Our chief destinations are Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and the Baltics, though we can also transport your shipments elsewhere. Tell us what you need to have transported and where, and we’ll tailor a transport plan to meet your requirements.

We’ve built our own vehicle fleet and two warehouse centres in Ostrava and Horní Počernice, Prague to provide road haulage. Along with full truck and less than truck loads, regular collection lines are now available.
For almost two decades we’ve been fulfilling our promise to deliver shipments quickly and safely to their place of destination.
Road haulage

Logistics & transport services

Your shipment can be transported as a full truck load, quickly and directly to the destination. You can also opt for a less than truck load solution. Our collection lines or less-than-truck-load system provide an economical solution.

Every day, regular lines leave Czechia and arrive back again. International road haulage is available, as well as domestic shipment transport.
You can monitor your shipments online in real time. Shipments are cleared through customs, insured, and if necessary stored in our Ostrava or Prague warehouses.


We’ll take your shipment wherever you need it to be. We specialise in lorry haulage to Northern and Eastern Europe.

and logistics

Your shipments will be stored in Prague and Ostrava warehouses which are staffed by experienced workers and equipped with professional logistics technology.


We can transport your goods anywhere in Czechia. Our facilities in Prague and Ostrava, with their ideal warehouse placement, are used for the loading and unloading of cargo.


Shipments are monitored via GPS. This allows you to learn at any time where your shipment is and when it will arrive at its destination.


Contact us and tell us what you need to have transported where


We’ll draft an individual transport proposal


Use electronic invoicing and documentation


Contact us and get a proposal for reasonably-priced full-scope professional services in the field of transport and haulage.

Scandinavia and the Baltics

Although our lorries travel all over Europe, Scandinavian countries are our most frequent destination. We can take shipments of all sizes, from palettes and cardboard to entire trucks, and transport them to Sweden, Norway, Finland, or Denmark. We’re experienced with handling haulage-related administrative procedures in Scandinavia, and know how to deal with the treacherous northern climate.

Our lorries leave our headquarters for Scandinavia every day. A perfect economical solution, our special collection lines are organised every week, heading for the north and coming back again. Our clients benefit from 20-years’ worth of our experience with travelling to Northern Europe, complete logistic services, and nonstop shipment monitoring.


We’ll immediately call you back to answer your questions or propose a solution for the transportation of your goods.
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Export and import to Finland, the Baltics, Poland

Bohdan Bambušek

Satisfied customers

If you want to cover over 2000 km with no troubles, you need to have a reliable partner. And we’ve managed to find one. Professional feedback and fixed-term unloading? What more could we want? Thank you

We’ve been hiring MTM Transport a.s. to handle all our transports to Scandinavia for several years now and have no complaint whatsoever. We’ve been collaborating with them long-term and know that if any problem arises they’ll always be forthcoming and strive to find the most effective solution. We especially appreciate communicating with their staff who can always give us quick answers.

Vyrábíme vysokopevnostní řetězy a komponenty k nim určené. Naši přepravci mají poslední osobní kontakt s našimi zákazníky. Zkušenost, spolehlivost a osobní prozákaznický přístup. Proto jezdíme Skandinávii s MTM.

S firmou MTM Transport a.s. realizujeme všechny naše vývozy do skandinávských zemích již několik let a jsme s nimi absolutně spokojeni. Jedná se dlouhodobou spolupráci a víme, že i v případě vzniklých problémů se nám vždy snaží vyjít vstříc a najít nejefektivnější řešení. Hlavně oceňujeme komunikaci s jejich zaměstnanci, kdy vždy dostaneme rychlou odpověď.